At a Glance: About an Organization's Protection
The Home tab represents an account-wide dashboard with key metrics and visualizations that describe how Defend protects an organization from unverified email messages.
The top section of the dashboard shows the following key metrics for the last 30 days. However, it does not include the present day):
Total Mailboxes: The total number of mailboxes monitored by Defend
Total Messages: The sum of all messages analyzed by Defend across all monitored mailbox
Unique Domains: The unique count of domains sending messages across all monitored mailboxes
Unverified Messages: All messages determined to be from untrusted senders
Unverified Messages with action taken: All untrusted messages to which Defend applied an active mailbox policy (Quarantine or Reject)
The middle section of the dashboard shows the daily volume of all verified messages as well as the daily volume of all unverified messages.
The navigation bar provides easy access to the following additional key areas of Defend besides the Home tab:
Policy assignment